Proton PIC Basic V3.0
The description behind the commands is summary.
Mostly a command has more options, look for more information to the onboard help files in PIC Basic.
@ | Insert one line of assembly language code. |
ADIN | Read on-chip analogue to digital converter. |
ASM-ENDASM | It's always possible to insert assembly language. |
BOX | Draw a square on a graphic LCD. |
BRANCH | Computed GOTO for PIC devices with only one page memory. (= ON GOTO, see there) |
BRANCHL | Computed GOTO for PIC devices with more than one page memory or 16-bit core PIC devices. (= ON GOTOL, see there) |
BRESTART | Send a Restart condition to the I²C bus. |
BSTART | Send a Start condition to the I²C bus. |
BSTOP | Send a Stop condition to the I²C bus. |
BUSACK | Send an Acknowledge condition to the I²C bus. |
BUSIN | Read bytes from an I²C device. |
BUSNACK | Send a Not acknowledge condition to the I²C bus. |
BUSOUT | Write bytes to an I²C device. |
BUTTON | Detect and debounce a key press. |
CALL | Call assembly language subroutine. |
CDATA | Define initial contents in memory. |
CF_INIT | Initialise the lines used for Compact Flash card. |
CF_SECTOR | Setup the sector in the Compact Flash card that is to be written or read by the commands CF_READ and CF_WRITE. |
CF_READ | Read data from a Compact Flash card. |
CF_WRITE | Write data to a Compact Flash card. |
CIRCLE | Draw a circle on a graphic LCD. |
CLEAR | Place a variable or bit in a low state or clear all RAM area. |
CLEARBIT | Clear a bit or a port or variable, using a variable index. |
CLS | Clear a LCD. |
CONFIG-CONFIG1-CONFIG2 | Adjust programming fuse configurations. |
CONTEXT RESTORE | Exit the interrupt and hand control back to the mainprogram. |
CONTEXT SAVE | Save and restore important variables and device SFR's while inside an interrupt. |
CONTINUE | Cause the next iteration of the enclosing loop to begin. |
COUNTER | Count number of pulses on a pin. |
CREAD | Read word from code memory. |
Read an 8, 16 or 32-bit value from a CDATA table using an offset (more efficiency than CREAD). |
CURSOR | Position the cursor on a LCD. |
CWRITE | Write word to code memory. |
DATA | Define initial contents in memory. (Only available in LITE-1 yet). Recommended to use LDATA. |
DEC | Variable = Variable - 1 (Decrement). |
DECLARE | Adjust library routine parameters. |
DELAYCS | Delay execution for an amount of instruction cycles. |
DELAYMS | Delay with millisecond resolution (ms). |
DELAYUS | Delay with microsecond resolution (µs). |
DEVICE | Choose the type of PIC to compile with. |
DIG | Return the value of a decimal digit. |
DIM | Create a variable. |
DISABLE | DISABLE software interrupts that were previously ENABLED. |
DTMFOUT | Produce a DTMF touch tone sequence on a pin. |
EDATA | Define initial contents of on-chip EEPROM. |
ENABLE | ENABLE software interrupts that were previously DISABLED. |
END | Stop execution. |
EREAD | Read byte, word or dword from on-chip EEPROM. |
EWRITE | Write byte, word or dword to on-chip EEPROM. |
FOR...TO...NEXT...STEP | Repeatedly execute statements. |
FREQOUT | Generate one or two tones of differing or the same frequencies. |
GETBIT | Examine a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index. |
GOSUB | Call BASIC subroutine at specified label. |
GOTO | Continue execution at specified label. |
HBRESTART | Send a Restart condition to the I²C bus using the MSSP module. |
HBSTART | Send a Start condition to the I²C bus using the MSSP module. |
HBSTOP | Send a Stop condition to the I²C bus using the MSSP module. |
HBUSACK | Send an Acknowledge condition to the I²C bus using the MSSP module. |
HBUSIN | Read bytes from an I²C device using the MSSP module. |
HBUSNACK | Send a Not Acknowledge condition to the I²C bus using the MSSP module. |
HBUSOUT | Write bytes to an I²C device using the MSSP module. |
HIGH | Make pin or port high. |
HPWM | Generate a PWM signal using the CCP module. |
HRSIN | Receive data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART. |
HRSOUT | Transmit data to the serial port on devices that contain a USART. |
HSERIN | Receive data from the serial port on devices that contain a USART. |
HSEROUT | Transmit data to the serial port on devices that contain a USART. |
HRSIN2 | Same as HRSIN but using a 2nd USART if available. |
HRSOUT2 | Same as HRSOUT but using a 2nd USART if available. |
HSERIN2 | Same as HSERIN but using a 2nd USART if available. |
HSEROUT2 | Same as HSEROUT but using a 2nd USART if available. |
I2CIN | Read bytes from an I²C device. With user definable PIC ports for SDA/SCL. |
I2COUT | Write bytes to an I²C device. With user definable PIC ports for SDA/SCL. |
Conditionally execute statements. |
INC | Variable = Variable + 1 (Increment) |
INCLUDE | Load a BASIC file into the source code. |
INKEY | Scan a matrix keypad. |
INPUT | Make a pin or port an input. |
LCDREAD | Read a single byte from a graphic LCD. |
LCDWRITE | Write bytes to a graphic LCD. |
LDATA | Place information into code memory. |
LEFT$ | Extract n amount of characters from the left of a source string and copy them into a destination string. |
LEN | Find the length of a string, NULL terminator not included. |
LINE | Draw a straight line in any direction on a graphic LCD. |
LINETO | Draw a straight line in any direction on a graphic LCD, starting from the previous LINE command's end position. |
LOADBIT | Set or clear a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index. |
LOOKDOWN | Search constant in table for value. |
LOOKDOWNL | Search constant or variable in table for value. |
LOOKUP | Fetch constant value from table. |
LOOKUPL | Fetch constant or variable value from table. |
LOW | Make pin or port low. |
LREAD | Read a value from a LDATA table. |
LREAD8 | Access 8-bit values from an LDATA table. |
LREAD16 | Access 16-bit values from an LDATA table. |
LREAD32 | Access 32-bit values from an LDATA table, this also includes floating point values. |
MID$ | Extract n amount of characters from a source string beginning at n characters from the left, and copy them into a destination string. |
ON GOSUB | Cause the program to Call a subroutine based on an index value |
ON GOTO | Cause the program to jump to different locations based on a variable index. On a PICmicro device with only one page of memory. (See BRANCH) |
ON GOTOL | Cause the program to jump to different locations based on a variable index. On a PICmicro device with more than one page of memory or 16-bit core devices. (See BRANCHL) |
ON_HARDWARE_INTERRUPT | Execute a subroutine on a HARDWARE interrupt (high priority). |
ON INTERRUPT | Execute a subroutine on a SOFTWARE interrupt. |
ON_INTERRUPT | Execute a subroutine on a HARDWARE interrupt. |
ON_LOW_INTERRUPT | Execute a subroutine when a LOW PRIORITY HARDWARE interrupt occurs on a 16-bit core device. |
OUTPUT | Make a pin or port output. |
OREAD | Receive data from a device using the Dallas 1-wire protocol. (One wire protocol) |
ORG | Set program origin. |
OWRITE | Transmits data to a device using the Dallas 1-wire protocol. (One wire protocol) |
PAUSE | Better is using DELAYMS. |
PEEK | Read byte from register. |
PIXEL | Read a single pixel from a graphic LCD. |
PLOT | Set a single pixel on a graphic LCD. |
POKE | Write byte to register. |
POP | Pull a single variable or multiple variables from a software stack |
POT | Read potentiometer on a specified pin. |
Display characters on a LCD. | |
PULSIN | Measure pulse width on a pin. (PULSEIN also allowed). |
PULSOUT | Generate pulse to a pin. (PULSEOUT also allowed). |
PUSH | Place a single variable or multiple variables onto a software stack. |
PWM | Output pulse width modulated pulse train to a pin. |
RANDOM | Generate a pseudo-random number. |
RC5IN | Read infrared signal from Philips remote controls (TV, audio, etc.) (RC5 protocol) see also SONYIN. |
RCIN | Measure pulse width on a pin. |
READ | Read byte or word from memory. (Only available in LITE-1 yet). Recommended to use LREAD. |
REM | Add a remark to the source code, use as many text as you like. More clear is to use the apostrof (') or the point-comma (;) |
REPEAT...UNTIL | Execute a block of instructions until a condition is true. |
RESTORE | Adjust the position of data to READ. (Old instruction, only available in LITE-1 yet). |
RESUME | Re-enable software interrupts and return. |
RETURN | Continue at statement following last GOSUB. |
RIGHT$ | Extract n amount of characters from the right of a source string and copy them into a destination string. |
RSIN | Asynchronous serial input from fixed pin and baud. |
RSOUT | Asynchronous serial output to fixed pin and baud. |
SEED | Seed the random number generator. |
Conditionally run blocks of code. |
SERIN | Receive asynchronous serial data (i.e. RS232 data). |
SEROUT | Transmit asynchronous serial data (i.e. RS232 data). |
SERVO | Control a servo motor. |
SET | Place a variable or pin in a high state. |
SET_OSCCAL | Calibrate the on-chip oscillator with factory setting (if available). (Adjust intern oscillator) |
SETBIT | Set a bit of a port or variable, using a variable index. |
SHIN | Synchronous serial input (SHIFT IN) (for SPI interfaces). |
SHOUT | Synchronous serial output (SHIFT OUT) (for SPI interfaces). |
SLEEP | Power down processor for a period of time. |
SNOOZE | Power down processor for short period of time. |
SONYIN | Read infrared signal from Sony remote controls (TV, audio, etc.) (SIRC) see also RC5IN. |
SOUND | Generate tone or white-noise on specified pin. |
SOUND2 | Generate 2 tones to 2 separate pins. |
STOP | Stop program execution. |
STRN | Create a NULL terminated byte array. |
STR$ | Convert the contents of a variable to a NULL terminated string. |
SWAP | Exchange the values of two varibales. |
SYMBOL | Create an alias for a variable or gives a name to a constant, port, pin or register. |
TOGGLE | Reverse the state of a port bit. Makes an output high when it was low or low when it was high. |
TOLOWER | Convert the characters from a source string to lower case. |
TOUPPER | Convert the characters from a source string to upper case. |
TOSHIBA_COMMAND | Send a command with or without parameters to a Toshiba T6963 graphic LCD. |
TOSHIBA_UDG | Create User Defined Graphics for a Toshiba T6963 graphic LCD. |
UNPLOT | Clear a single pixel on a graphic LCD. |
USBINIT | Initialise the USB interrupt on devices that contain a USB module. |
USBIN | Receive data via a USB endpoint on devices that contain USB. |
USBOUT | Transmit data via a USB endpoint on devices that contain USB. |
USBPOLL | Poll the USB interface in order to keep it attached to the bus. |
VAL | Convert a NULL terminated string to an integer value. |
VARPTR | Locate the address of a variable. |
WHILE...WEND | Execute statements while condition is true. |
XIN | Receive data using the X10 protocol. |
XOUT | Transmit data using the X10 protocol. |